Come and have a go at pond dipping in our mill watercourse! Learn about the creatures that live in the depths of the mill stream, and have a go yourself with our nets, trays and ID sheets. Catch sticklebacks and poke around in the mud to see what larvae and worms you can find.
£3 per child. Pre-book or drop in between 2-4pm on Tuesday 31st May and Thursday 2nd June. All children must be accompanied by an adult, who is responsible for the children at all times. Recommended for age 5 plus.
Please cover up any scratches or cuts with plasters and make sure you wash your hands afterwards.
If you pre-book, please bring proof of your booking to show the team. If you wish to pay on arrival, please pay in the mill shop and bring your receipt to show the team. Please note, we may have to limit numbers on the day so please do pre-book to be sure of getting a space.
Pre-book for Tuesday 31st May here:
Pre-book for Thursday 2nd June here:
© Cromford Mills 2025