A Cat Comes to Cromford
Chapter 6
When Martha reached home, she pushed open the door and walked in, unaware that the cat had also slipped in behind her.
‘I’ve got the weak beer Ma!’
‘Thank you, Martha, put it on the table please. Pa has just about finished his weaving, then it will be time to eat. Oh and who have you brought with you?’
Martha looked round in confusion.
‘I didn’t bring anyone.’
The cat crept forward, just as Phoebe skipped down the stairs.
‘Is it dinner time yet Ma? Oh!’ she pointed. ‘That’s the cat that stole the sausages!’
The front door opened and shut.
‘That’s the cat I found in the cotton bag!’ said Simeon.
They all stared at the cat.
‘Well then, it looks like this cat needs a home.’ said Mrs Froggott gently. She knelt down and rubbed the cat behind his ears. He purred loudly.
‘I think you’ll fit right in. Now, what shall we call you?’
Arkwright built these houses on North Street for his workers. The school was built by his son, Richard Arkwright Junior, in the 1830s so would not have been here when the Froggott family lived here.
Congratulations! This is the end of the Cromford Mills story trail. Your secret letter is C.
To claim your prize, walk down the hill and cross the A6, turning right to go down Mill Lane and return to the mill.
You can vote to name the cat at the mill – ask for a voting token from the shop.
If you’ve enjoyed this story about the cat, why not come to our midweek storytelling sessions at the mill to hear about how the cat starts work at the mill?
This is part of the Cromford Mills Story Trail: A Cat Comes to Cromford. For more information, visit https://www.cromfordmills.org.uk/event/a-cat-comes-to-cromford-story-trail/
© Cromford Mills 2025